Wanted: Riding gear donations for recovering veteran
April 25, 2014
I received this email from a friend today, and what this man needs seems very small compared to what he has done for us. Please email his teacher if you need more information or can help.
Hi All,
I have a student who is a 13-year veteran of the Marine Special Forces. He is on 80% disability and is taking 25 credits at the community college with a 4.0 GPA! He is in significant pain from his years of service and is beginning to learn how to ride horses to help. He talks non-stop about "his horse" Hooch and their connection. I see a huge difference when he comes to class having ridden or even just visited the barn. I know you all know about this!!
The reason I'm writing is because he needs some riding gear and I thought maybe we as a group could find some solutions since his funds are so tight (VA benefits are slow to arrive).
He is borrowing a helmet, but could really use some chaps - used are just perfect. So if anyone is or knows of someone ready and willing to donate a pair of used chaps that would be amazing!
I can be reached at this email (personal) or via my school email at [email protected]. :)
Thank you!