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April 2014

Wanted: Riding gear donations for recovering veteran

I received this email from a friend today, and what this man needs seems very small compared to what he has done for us. Please email his teacher if you need more information or can help.

Hi All, 
I have a student who is a 13-year veteran of the Marine Special Forces.  He is on 80% disability and is taking 25 credits at the community college with a 4.0 GPA!  He is in significant pain from his years of service and is beginning to learn how to ride horses to help.  He talks non-stop about "his horse" Hooch and their connection.  I see a huge difference when he comes to class having ridden or even just visited the barn.  I know you all know about this!!  
The reason I'm writing is because he needs some riding gear and I thought maybe we as a group could find some solutions since his funds are so tight (VA benefits are slow to arrive).  
He is borrowing a helmet, but could really use some chaps - used are just perfect.  So if anyone is or knows of someone ready and willing to donate a pair of used chaps that would be amazing!  
I can be reached at this email (personal) or via my school email at [email protected]. :)
Thank you! 

Colorado mule deer decline: 'Opportunity for people to get involved'

A deer peeks out from behind a tree near our compost pile. Based on the report that Colorado's mule deer population has declined by one third in 10 years, this scene could become a rarity.
A deer peeks out from behind a tree near our compost pile. Based on the report that Colorado's mule deer population has declined by one third in 10 years, this scene could become a rarity.
“This is an opportunity for people to get involved. Let’s all sit down and talk about how we are going to go forward.”
- Randy Hampton, Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesman

The news that the Colorado mule deer population shrank by one third in the last 10 years comes as no suprise. The mule deer in our neighborhood constantly have to work to stay ahead of Man. Urban civilization, especially vehicle traffic and the development around us, can be hard on baby deer. I often find the deer hiding out on our property, as you can see in this YouTube video (also below) and they love to bed down on the compost pile.

'To be poor and be without trees ...'

'... is to be the most starved human being in the world.'
- Clarissa Pinkola Estés,
The Faithful Gardener: A Wise Tale About That Which Can Never Die

Planting trees - Poudre River Stables - historic farm - Fort Collins - Colorado - 80521

Tree planting is always a busy time at our place. With the Shields widening and other development projects on all sides, many trees are about to meet their maker. I am trying to repopulate elsewhere. In this river rock "soil" it can take hours to dig holes and plant a few trees. If you establish water however, they will thrive.

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Farm fields going to pot

In memorium: ‘Run Shadowfax, show us the meaning of haste’

Blanco, horse that played Shadowfax in The Lord of the Rings.

Blanco, who played Shadowfax in 'Lord of the Rings', is gone. He was a beauty. Read the full story from his owner, Cynthia Royal, who valiantly tried to cure his mystery illness. The horses are among my favorite actors in Peter Jackson's 'Lord of the Rings' movies. Bill the Pony reminds me of a certain other, similarly-named horse, Billy the Morgan. Trivia: 'Lord of the Rings' could have used an equestrian continuity editor for scenes akin to when Aragorn was nudged and helped up by his horse, Brego, one moment in a bitless headstall, the next in a bit. Below, our Billy watching himself in the mirror. Click on the photo to see our album of all the other horses and what they learned last June at the Jackie Johnson horse trick-training clinic.

Billy the Morgan watches himself in the mirror - Jackie Johnson horse trick-training clinic - Fort Collins - Colorado - 80521