Double cost saver: Avoid bedding feed area
Willow harvest

Drainage, bigger street, bike trails, sidewalks would feed into Poudre River

A surveyor's pink-flagged reference stake on North Shields Street near the Poudre River is part of Larimer County's design process for widening the street, adding a bike trail and sidewalk - July 2012 - Fort Collins - Colorado - 80521
Surveyors have been adorning North Shields Street with colored flags for many months as they develop a plan for higher-volume access.

A city/county open house will combine the Shields Street widening project on our west border with plans for a large storm drainage culvert running through the neighborhood to the Poudre River. The open house will be held from 4 - 6 p.m. Aug. 8 at Lincoln Middle School, 1600 W. Lancer Drive, Room 102. Information:, [email protected] or (970) 221-6700.

Read also:
Which Poudre are we protecting?
Former mobile home park awaits rebirth as Pateros Creek riverside subdivision
Larimer County information on Shields Street corridor project
