Horseback riders: Fort Collins eyes Poudre River trail use
Horse people: College student seeks help with survey

US study: Loss of horse trails #3 concern

"Loss of trails and riding areas" ranks third on the list of top issues among U.S. horsemen, according to a study by American Horse Publications (AHP).

We wrote about horse trail use yesterday in our story about Fort Collins, Colorado eyeing use of its trails -- for horseback riding and other purposes -- along the Poudre River. The city is conducting a survey on future use, possible closings, strengths, and areas for improvement.

By the way -- Issue #2 on horsemen's list? The cost of horsekeeping. Issue #1: Unwanted horses and what to do with them. Anybody in the horse business would do well to check out AHP's survey. It is full of nuggets that will help the horse industry meet the future.


AHP survey:

Fort Collins trails/natural areas survey page (scroll down to find the survey):
