'Winning Bet' hits shelves in Ames, Iowa
August 04, 2010
NEWS FLASH! AMES, Iowa -- Jax Outdoor Gear has added Winning Bet to its shelves, just in time for Iowa county fair season! Thank you, Jax!
Teachers/students: Click here to take the free Winning Bet quiz and earn a certificate!
May 27, 2010
Dear Readers: I don't usually post e-mails, but I have the "OK" on this one, and well, I'm blushing! Debbie Dehn is a prominent horse 4-H leader who has improved many youngsters' horseback riding experience and touched many lives in her teaching career. Thank you, Debbie!
Dear Karin,
Just wanted you to know how much I thoroughly enjoyed your book. What a great story. It brought back many fond memories of my children's 4-H days. I have recommended it to my current 4-Hers and am purchasing copies for my daughter and sisters, all of whom are teachers, for their schools.
I saw on your website that there may be a chance for Accelerated Reader tests. I'm going to talk to one of my sisters who is a school librarian (media specialist) in NJ. She uses that program.
-- Debbie Dehn, 4-H leader, former teacher
Readers: You can help put Winning Bet on the Accelerated Reader list. If enough of you request it, Renaissance Learning will write an AR test for Winning Bet that any AR school can use, and anybody -- not just librarians -- can request! Just go to http://www.renlearn.com/ar/customercare/titlesuggestions.asp to make the request. Information you’ll need:
Title: Winning Bet
ISBN: 0-615-32165-8
Publisher: Ingram
Interest Level: Middle Grades Plus
Year Published: 2009
Happy Reading!
Reviews: Winning Bet 'delightful', 'highly recommended'
School book fair cashes in on Winning Bet
(Karin Livingston is a career 4-H horse leader. Winning Bet is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble online, IndieBound.org stores, on the Kindle/iPad (use the Kindle store), and to librarians and retailers through the Ingram Book Group.)
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