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School book fair cashes in on Winning Bet

Saint Joseph Catholic School book fair and Winning Bet teamed up for a winning event!Winning Bet, my young-adult horse novel, did well at the Saint Joseph Catholic School Book Fair last week, helping the school beat its goal of $6,500 in sales to benefit the school library. I helped the school write their own Accelerated Reader (AR) test for Winning Bet, which the students appreciated because they could get their horse fix, and earn AR points!

By the way, if your school does not have Accelerated Reader, reading test-practice software for practically every book ever written, you should get it. I helped kick-start our school’s literacy program, and Accelerated Reader made a huge difference in our student’s reading growth.

Just so you know, there is a way for everybody to get a Winning Bet AR test. Librarians, teachers, parents, students: If enough of you request it, Renaissance Learning will write an AR test for Winning Bet that everybody can use. Just go to to make the request. Information you’ll need:
Title: Winning Bet
ISBN: 0-615-32165-8
Publisher: Ingram
Interest Level: Middle Grades Plus
Year Published: 2009

Happy Reading!

Winning Bet 'delightful', 'highly recommended'

(Karin Livingston is a career 4-H horse leader. Winning Bet is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble online, stores, and to librarians and retailers through the Ingram Book Group.)

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