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Stable land use changes: Public invited

Larimer County, Colorado –- The working group appointed by county commissioners to spearhead new rules for horse stables has ideas and goals to share with the public at two upcoming meetings.
Monday, June 22, 2009, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., The Ranch, Thomas M. McKee Building, Loveland, Crossroads Blvd. and I-25. Presentation at 6 pm., open house to follow.
Thursday, June 25, 2009, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Larimer County Courthouse Offices Building, Hearing Room, 1st Floor, 200 W. Oak Street, Fort Collins. Presentation at 6 pm., open house to follow.
In 2006 a move to tighten livestock restrictions failed in a vote before the commissioners. As the result of about 25 complaints against facilities boarding horses, the commissioners voted late in 2008 to narrow the scope of proposed land use changes to horse businesses.
On Saturday, June 20, the working group plans to take a bus tour of horse stables for a first-hand view of stable issues. County commissioners are set to vote on the rule changes in December.
For information go to: or contact Rural Land Use Center director Linda Hoffmann at (970) 498-7681, [email protected] for further information.
For MyHoofprints previous coverage on this story, go to: Horse Property Issues.
