A saddle, a horse, a boy
March 31, 2009
In the dark heart of winter I finished a book loaned to me by a loved one that turned out to be a gift I will never forget. I think back to this book all the time, and I would like to offer it to you now as an antidote to whatever economic tragedies you or those you love may have suffered at the hands of Wall Street’s criminals. I have never read a story ending quite like this one, which made me want to cry and at the same time burst out laughing with heartfelt faith that we will all be OK in the end. I have not just given away the “happy ending”, which is not stereotypically happy, which is completely unexpected, and just for inquiring readers, not everyone lives. It would be a stretch to label the 2001 best-selling novel, Peace Like a River, a horse book, but the story does contain a horse and a saddle that play pivotal roles as the plot – asthmatic boy discovers himself while fleeing with his family to save a fugitive brother – unfolds. Better yet, Peace Like a River
is now available on another gift I recommend to everyone, the Amazon Kindle 2
. Click here to read about the twists and turns of my very own, and slightly traumatic, Kindle Tales.
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